Privacy Policy

1. Subject matter of this privacy statement

Thank you for visiting the AvanTech YOU or Design with Hettich website and the interest you show in our company. Protecting your personal data is important to us. For this reason we would now like to inform you in detail about data collected when you visit these websites and how we process or use these data.

2. Collecting and using your data

a) Automatically generated data
If you only visit our website to obtain information, some data will automatically be collected in non-personal form. 

These data are collected and processed to make it at all possible for you to use the web pages you have opened, for statistical purposes as well as to improve the content and functionalities of our web pages. Data are processed anonymously, i.e. data is never matched up to your person.

b) Personal data and consent
Personal data, such as your name, e-mail address or postal address will only be collected if you make these available to us, e.g. as part of registering for a newsletter or sending a contact form.

You can withdraw your consent at any time with immediate effect for the future. Please submit your withdrawal of consent to the address stated in the final clause.

3. Use of cookies

We use cookies for our website. Cookies are small text files that are sent from our web server to your browser when you visit one of our web pages and saved by your browser on your computer. We use “permanent cookies” as well as “session cookies”.

The data stored in permanent cookies (stored for a maximum of 12 months) have the purpose of automatically recognising your computer the next time you open one of our web pages and of displaying information geared specifically to your interests.

The data filed in session cookies have the purpose of providing you with unrestricted usage of our services as well as making our web pages as convenient as possible to use while you are visiting our website. Session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser.

No personal data are stored in the cookies we use. We do not use any other technologies that associate information accruing through cookies with your personal data either.

Settings in your browser let you yourself determine whether cookies are set and retrieved. In your browser, for example, you can completely deactivate cookies being stored, restrict such to specific web pages or configure your browser so that it automatically notifies you as soon as a cookie is to be set and you request feedback. If you deactivate session cookies you may not be able to use all of the functions provided by our web pages.

4. Making contact

Personal data will be collected when you contact us (e.g. by contact form). The particular contact form shows which data will be collected when you contact us. These data will only be used for the purpose of making contact and for handling your specific request.

5. Use of your data for direct advertising 

Our website and sub-pages give you the opportunity to register to receive communications from us. On the basis of the consent you previously gave us, we collect and use the e-mail address you gave us on registering to send you an irregular newsletter and, on occasion, other direct advertising. The provision of further data is voluntary and is used to address you personally.

With immediate effect for the future, you can at any time withdraw your consent to the newsletter or other direct advertising being sent. You can withdraw your consent via the link provided in every newsletter or vis-à-vis the contact specified in the final clause.

Our newsletters contain a click-tracking script. This click-tracking script is used to record a log file or analyse a log file. The embedded click-tracking script tells us whether and when you have opened an e-mail and which links in the e-mail you have clicked. Personal data collected via the click-tracking script contained in the newsletters are saved and evaluated by us in order to optimise delivery of our newsletters and match the content of future newsletter to your interests even better. You are entitled at any time to withdraw the declaration of consent you have given to receiving newsletters.

6. Links to third-party websites

This website contains links to websites of third parties (e.g. our sales partners or social media providers). Once you have clicked on the link, we no longer have any influence over the way any personal data sent as a result of clicking on the third party’s link (e.g. your IP address) is collected, processed and used as we have no control over the third party’s conduct. We bear no responsibility for the processing of such personal data by third parties.

7. Links to third-party websites

This website contains links to websites of third parties (e.g. our sales partners). These are external websites, the contents of which are beyond our control. For this reason, we expressly exclude any liability for the content of external websites. In particular, we are not responsible for the data-protection precautions implemented by the operators of such websites.

8. Passing of your personal data on to affiliated companies and third parties

Within the Hettich group of companies only those companies gain access to your data which require them to meet contractual or legal obligations or to which we are authorised to communicate personal data on the basis of a balancing of interests.

The service providers we use may also receive data for these purposes. These are enterprises in the categories of IT services as well as telecommunications. Our service providers are carefully selected and regularly monitored by us. They only process personal data on our behalf and in strict accordance with our instructions on the basis of relevant processor contracts.

Otherwise no third party will have access to your personal data. In particular, we will neither sell them nor will we utilise them in any other way. Only if we are officially requested or obliged to do so in law will we communicate data to the government authority responsible.

9. Rights of the Data Subject

Applicable data-protection law gives you extensive rights) in relation to the processing of your personal data. Every data subject has the

  •  Right to being informed about the data we store about their person;
  •  Right to rectification, erasure or restriction of processing of their personal data;
  •  Right to object to processing (for further details, refer to clause 14)
  •  Right to data portability;
  •  Right to complain to a data-protection supervisory authority.

10. Withdrawal of consent given

If you have given your consent to personal data being processed, you can withdraw this from us at any time. Please note that withdrawal will only take effect for the future. This will not apply to any processing taking place before consent is withdrawn.

11. Information on your right to object

You have the right at any time to object to your data being processed if any grounds for such arise from your particular situation. This also applies to any profiling based on the above provision.

If you file an objection, we shall no longer process your personal data unless we can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing which override your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing serves the purpose of establishing, exercising or defending legal claims.

In individual cases, we process your personal data to carry out direct advertising. You have the right at any time to file an objection to your personal data being processed for the purpose of advertising of this type; this shall also apply to profiling insofar as this is in connection with such direct advertising.
If you object to processing for purposes of direct advertising, we shall no longer process your personal data for these purposes.

The objection can be made informally using the term “Objection” and indicating your name, address and date of birth, and should be addressed to:

Hettich New Zealand Ltd
18 Barmac Place, East Tamaki 2013
Auckland, New Zealand 

Effective: January 2021